Brunch Forum: Rugby World Cup, Honesty Fridge, Colbert’s Lifestyle Brand, NY Fashion Week Lessons, Coca-Cola Emoji & More

by James Thompson

Enjoy AdForum’s daily roundup of the latest news, trends, and notable work in the advertising industry.

Ad-Blocking Apps Become Best Sellers on Apple App Store

As technology continues to empower consumers, the latest fear for advertisers – and especially publishers – is becoming a reality as people are furiously downloading apps that will block ads on their mobile devices. Read more at Ad Age.

Yes, Rugby Has a World Cup Too, and Advertisers Should Take Notice

“Professional rugby is continuing to grow in popularity around the globe. In fact, the Rugby World Cup, which is due to kick off in the United Kingdom later today, has become the best-attended single sporting event worldwide after the FIFA World Cup, according to a recent report from EY. The Olympic games do of course have attendance figures well in excess of single sports events due to the significantly higher number of tickets on offer.” Read more at Forbes.  

No Brainer: Buffalo Wild Wings Dumps 9/11-Lying Comedian from Ad Campaign

“Following yesterday's news that comedian Steve Rannazzisi repeatedly lied about surviving the 9/11 attacks, Buffalo Wild Wings and Comedy Central said they were reconsidering deals with the actor. Now, Buffalo Wild Wings has announced it will stop airing commercials featuring Rannazzisi, who became the brand's pitchman earlier this year.” For more details visit Adweek

Lessons on Winning and Losing in Social Media from New York Fashion Week

“With 181 shows and a generated $900 million in revenue, New York Fashion Week brings in $100 million more than the Super Bowl. What that means on social media: There’s a big chance for brands to make an impression. Now that the week has wrapped up and the fashion elite are fleeing overseas to continue the frenzy in London (a somewhat less-intense affair with just 78 shows), it’s time to reflect on which brands won big and which lost out on New York Fashion Week’s social media circus.” Read more at Digiday

Ad Agency “Honesty Fridge” Makes the Front Page of Reddit

Anyone familiar with #AgencyLife immediately knew that a picture of an “Honesty Fridge” – stocked with beer, chocolate and condoms – that appeared on the front page of Reddit yesterday could only have come from the world of an advertising agency. And they would be correct. Check it out

Photoplay Films Goes All Thumbs in Ad for St. George Bank Limited

Sorry middle fingers. It’s thumb time. This new campaign from Photoplay Films showcases the new banking app from St. George Bank that allows customers to pay for items with the simple press of a thumb. The campaign features five films that star real thumbs in a world of miniature sets.

The Future Is Now: Coca-Cola First Brand to Have Twitter Emoji

“Soft drink brand Coca Cola has become the first brand to benefit from a customised Twitter emoji after the micro-blogging platform unveiled a pair of stylised glass bottled wrapped in the familial red label and flowing white ribbon.” Read more at TheDrum

New “Rainbow Doritos” Packaging Celebrates LGBT Pride

“Ram Krishnan, the snack maker’s chief marketing officer, said in the release that Doritos Rainbows would bring “an entirely new product experience to our consumers to show our commitment toward equal rights for the LGBT community and celebrate humanity without exception.” Read more at ABCNews.  

Job of the Day: Digital Production Artist at RPA in Santa Monica

Prepare and deliver creative assets for digital advertising projects: banner ads, websites, emails and landing pages for desktop, mobile and tablet platforms. Execute design and production assets that meet brand quality standards. Collaborate and communicate with project team members. Proficiency in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is required. For more details visit RPA

Stephen Colbert Launches Lifestyle Brand that Includes $895 Handheld Bison Wallet

Last night Stephen Colbert went full celebrity on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert by introducing his personal lifestyle brand – a comical homage to similar overpriced and “curated” endeavors from celebrities Gwyneth Paltrow, Ellen DeGeneres and Blake Lively. Read more at Entertainment Weekly

Agency of the Week

Ogilvy & Mather: “We sell. Or else.”

These words of David Ogilvy sound simple, but are deeply meaningful to us. David began the agency in 1948 and built Ogilvy & Mather into one of the most legendary branding companies in the world. Underpinning this is the philosophy of “divine discontent” — the simple belief that in order to be creative one must be permanently dissatisfied and always seeking to be better than good. Learn more about Ogilvy & Mather by visiting their AdForum profile

Because it is Friday and you don't know the ONLY rule in fashion, check out this Forsman & Bodenfors ad below:

(Bloody Mary photo courtesy of Anthony. Thank you! It looks delicious!)  

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