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Kerrie Finch

Kerrie Finch

Phone: 0031628 155 769

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Social Media, Branded Content/Entertainment, Corporate Communication, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Strategy and Planning

Clients: 6

Core Competencies: Social Media, Branded Content/Entertainment, Corporate Communication, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Strategy and Planning

Clients: 6


FinchFactor Herengracht 124-128
Phone: +31 20 794 4733
Kerrie Finch

Kerrie Finch

Phone: 0031628 155 769

About FinchFactor

Founded in Amsterdam, FinchFactor is widely regarded as Europe's foremost expert in reputation management, PR and content amplification for brands and brand builders working in the creative industry.

With a team flying flags from the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Bulgaria, and Poland, we understand cross-culturalism and international nuances. As strategic communicators, messaging specialists, copywriters and content creators we keep a savvy eye on the bigger picture and help shape credibility.

What's the point? Business development.


Dutch, English
Philosophy & Competitive Advantages
Network Description


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Brand: Critical Mass

Category: Advertising Agencies

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Category: Advertising Agencies

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Category: Advertising Agencies