Gearóid 'Ged' Carroll
Strategy director at Freelance
London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Gearóid 'Ged' Carroll Publications

What's in my NOW? - Gearóid 'Ged' Carroll (Cool Tools)

26 October 2022
Profiled on Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools site

Regulations are no bar to creativity, says new agency digital chief (PR Week )

24 July 2019
While healthcare advertising and marketing is bound by regulation, that provides benefits to focused creativity.

2018 Brand Actions Library (Planning Dirty)

01 June 2018
Contributed to the health and CPG sections

Share This Too (John Wiley & Sons)

26 August 2013
Contributed a chapter on using social media insights for planning

Ged Carroll Departs Ruder Finn For Burson-Marsteller Hong Kong (ProvokeMedia)

15 November 2012
On my move to Hong Kong to take up a role working across Burson-Marsteller and RedFuse - the special purpose agency for Colgate-Palmolive in Asia.

The Social Media MBA (Wiley)

01 January 2012
Contributed a chapter on enriching marketing research insights with social media listening

Trial and error on a digital landscape (PM Live)

30 July 2011
Opinion piece co-written with my colleague at the time Maya Anaokar on the then current state of digital marketing and products in ethical healthcare

Analysis: Why Did Walmart Buy A Social Media Firm? (ProvokeMedia)

20 April 2011
Commentary on Walmart's acquisition of Kosmix which I saw as a move to reinvigorate Walmart's wider approach to innovation.

Ruder Finn hires digital guru Ged Carroll (PR Week UK )

14 April 2009
Appointment to lead digital strategy for RFI Studios and Ruder Finn in Europe

News brief: Carroll joins Yahoo! (PR Week UK)

22 April 2005
Joining Yahoo! Europe as what was called a buzz marketing manager on their search products. I was involved in nascent social media marketing projects including setting the blogging policy for across Europe.

Faces of 2001 (PR Week UK)

29 January 2001
Recognition early on in my agency career when I was more client services focused.