Contact Information

Avila 80
Barcelona 08005
Phone: +34 933 208 398

Basic Info

Awards: 2

Creative Work: 16

Awards: 2

Creative Work: 16

Story We produce

Avila 80
Barcelona 08005
Phone: +34 933 208 398

Rami Hachache

Any favorite subject, and why?

Broadly, I’d say comedy. I kind of became obsessed at a very young age. I think when I was around nine years old, my mom let me get two DVDs out of this bargain bin at the supermarket. I chose Bowfinger and What About Bob. Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, Bill Murphy, and Frank Oz… all from the same $1 bin. My obsession kind of avalanched from there. TV, movies, standup, shorts, memes, whatever. I love hard satire, parody, dark comedy, grounded humor, to the more broad and absurd.

What piece from your work do you feel most identified with? (or maybe What piece from your work is your favorite?)

A few years ago I got to collaborate with Converse on this pretty out-there short. It’s this crude, homemade commercial about this tattoo cover up artist who just ends up making the tattoos worse… it was silly and fun. It was one of the first things I made where once it was released, the reaction was “Wait… is this real? Or not?” I love that. Also, my dad played the tattoo artist so that shoot holds a special place in my heart. Oh, and I also love working with my good friend Kirby Jenner. He’s quite the character and is the epitome of one who marches to their own beat. I respect and can identify with that.

What inspired you to become a director?

I’m not sure I can pinpoint an exact moment where I said “I want to be a director!” When I started writing and making short comedy films and videos with my friends, I only sort of knew what a “director” actually did. We had this kind of ‘all hands on deck’ attitude — all writing, editing, acti

ng, doing terribly crude vfx, producing, composing music… I took on as much as I could on every project. I feel like I fell into the role of “director.” Maybe because I’m a bossy asshole who thinks he has a vision? And speaks of himself in the third person? That’s prob it. That last part. Anyway, when I started booking more “legit” directing jobs, it just felt right. I have now somehow tricked people into letting me do it as a career and feel incredibly lucky.

What is the weirdest, most unexpected skill you bring to your job, and how did you learn it?

My background in music is a pretty unexpected and useful skill. Not that weird. It’s nice to be able t

o speak that language when working with musicians or music houses. I’m also pretty kn

owledgable in visual effects and Photoshop so that’s always helpful.