Contact Information

13-14 Margaret St
London W1W 8RN
United Kingdom
Phone: +442076361464

Michelle Corney

Executive Producer / London

Basic Info

Employees: 100

Awards: 800

Creative Work: 716

Employees: 100

Awards: 800

Creative Work: 716

Final Cut

13-14 Margaret St
London W1W 8RN
United Kingdom
Phone: +442076361464

Michelle Corney

Executive Producer / London

“Can You Just F**k It Up A Bit?”

Joe Guest and Lucy Berry chat about their influences, the benefits of time travel and jobs they’ve enjoyed in this edition of Shots popular ‘Creative Correspondence’ series.

Click on the link below to read Joe & Lucy’s complete conversation with Shots.

Shots Creative Correspondence: Joe Guest and Lucy Berry

Special thanks to our friend Emily Brooks who created the brilliant illustration!