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PostedAugust 2023
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Media Type Television

About IPNY, Inc.

IPNY (formerly Interplanetary) is a brand positioning and messaging firm that grows your business measurably and creatively.
We do the hard stuff: business planning, brand positioning, communications planning, and launches in complex categories such as financial services, healthcare, and nonprofit. We drive bottom-line, quantifiable results. 
We create unifying and engaging brand communications and experiences based on rigorous strategic thinking, research and testing. Then we engage our channel and production experts to execute and bring those ideas to life. Once launched, we expect to be held accountable for the results, so we collect and analyze data at every possible step, enabling us to optimize programs and demonstrate proof of ROI to your C-level executives and board.
We started the firm based on a desire to help clients grow their brands more effectively in today’s rapidly changing media environment. We believe that for programs to be effective in today’s market they must be designed to blur the lines across the continuum of media options. Our partners have spent decades mastering the major forms of communications — classic brand advertising, results-oriented direct marketing, engaging digital and social media, and fully integrated multimedia campaigns — and we’ve evolved an approach that melds these unique disciplines into what smart advertising should be: persuasion leading to conversion, regardless of the media channel.

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Communicator Awards Announces IPNY’S Dana-Farber Campaign, A Winner

The 30th Annual Communicator Awards Announces IPNY’S Dana-Farber Campaign, Momentum of Discovery, A Winner

The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) chose IPNY’s campaign for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Momentum of Discovery, as a winner in the category of Campaign-Medical & Pharmaceutical. The campaign reflects the long history of Dana-Farber making significant discoveries and innovating the way cancer is treated around the world. In fact, IPNY’s research revealed that “over the past five years, Dana-Farber research has contributed substantively to 51% of all FDA-approved cancer drugs.”

The Communicator Awards is the leading global awards program honoring creative excellence for marketing and communications professionals. Founded three decades ago, the Communicator Awards is an annual competition recognizing the best in advertising, corporate communications, public relations and design.

The awards are sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA), an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals from acclaimed brand and media, interactive, advertising, and marketing firms including: GE Digital, Spotify, Condè Nast, Disney, Accenture Song, Superfly, Fast Company, and many others.

With over 3,000 entries received from across the US and around the world, the Communicator Awards is the largest and most competitive awards program honoring creative excellence for communications professionals. The competition celebrated its 30th anniversary this year with a pledge to honor timeless communication.

To view the winning work, visit the Winners Gallery.

See aiva.org for more information.

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