Media Plus Advisors

Basking Ridge, United States

Contact Information

Basking Ridge New Jersey 07920
United States
Phone: 9176905936

Basic Info

Employees: 3

Employees: 3

Media Plus Advisors

Basking Ridge New Jersey 07920
United States
Phone: 9176905936

Media Performance Management - The Future is Now

Request the full Insight Report here

Media Performance Management is the future of Media Auditing.

The team at Media Plus Advisors learned from years of experience leading traditional media auditing projects that the process was ripe for a major update and innovation. At Media Plus Advisors, we understand the benefits of third-party oversight and the shortfalls that have arisen from outdated processes and KPIs, reliance on syndicated data that has not evolved with the media industry and inability to take action from learnings because of reporting lag times.

It is clear that to continue to be a useful tool for marketers and their agencies, media audits need to embrace several pivots:

  • The shift from TV Centric media strategies to an Omni-channel presence

  • Moving away from damaging watch-dog oversight of agencies to relationships that are based on collaboration and shared goals

  • Ending the traditionally slow series of steps and developing a process that is faster and more actionable

  • Maintaining standard media KPIs and adding Business outcome based KPIs

Beyond the pivots, smart marketers should begin to question the status quo of how media audits have traditionally been conducted:

  • Do Pools still work given the changes to media mix?

  • How can Digital media best be tracked and evaluated?

  • What needs to change to speed up the process?

  • What are the essential steps and what parts of the process can be eliminated?

  • How is media cost tracked and compared?

  • What are the benefits a marketer should see from a new process?

Request the full Insight Report here