
Clichy, France

Contact Information

21, rue Georges Boisseau
Clichy 92110
Phone: 01 74 71 46 46

Basic Info

Founded in: 1993

Awards: 12

Clients: 49


21, rue Georges Boisseau
Clichy 92110
Phone: 01 74 71 46 46

Hervé Francès

Phone: 01 74 71 46 99

About Oko

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Philosophy & Competitive Advantages
In a world where the relationship between agency and advertiser is to perfect, Oko promulgates "the Manifesto of Advertisers".
A Manifesto as evidence of the commitments we have taken since 1993.
A Manifesto as will of being different of standards and bad habits.
A Manifesto to make you want to work with a different type agency: Oko.
Network Description
The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Edit
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