Campaign #BluesCluesAtWalmart
Advertiser Walmart
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021
Business Sector Retail, Distribution & Restaurants
Tagline #BluesCluesAtWalmart
Story HireInfluence partnered with Nick Jr. to launch the #BluesCluesAtWalmart influencer marketing campaign. Nick Jr. wanted to showcase themed merchandise, as well as activities that were available exclusively at Walmart. Each influencer displayed their family’s love for Blue’s Clues & You! through Instagram feed posts and stories, where they incorporated the Skidoo Dance, favorite toys from the collection, and where to purchase. It was an overall success!
Philosophy The #BluesCluesAtWalmart campaign partnered with 9 mid-tier Instagram mom influencers with children that aligned with the Blue’s Clues & You! core demographic. The content creators showcased the Blue’s Clues & You! themed merchandise in a natural setting, with their children interacting directly with the product. Additionally, each influencer participated in the #SkidooChallenge by learning the iconic Blue’s Clues & You! Skidoo Dance! By having these influencers give their motherly stamp of approval on the Blue’s Clues & You! themed merchandise, their audiences were able to learn the features of the products, where to purchase, and also fun activities that they can entertain their own children with.
Result Our team curated and vetted mid-tier Instagram mom influencers with children that aligned with the Blue’s Clues & You! core demographic. These influencers embodied motherhood and their audiences look to them for tips, must-have products, and activities that they can imitate at home. The content the influencers produced was engaging and high quality. It provided a firsthand experience with the Blue’s Clues & You! themed merchandise, as well as a nostalgic twist to the distinctive Skidoo Dance. Mid-tier Instagram mom influencers promoted the Blue’s Clues & You! themed merchandise on Instagram and Instagram Stories with an added swipe-up link to take audiences directly to the product landing page. The campaign performed exceedingly well through the creation of high-quality content in natural settings where the influencers promoted Blue’s Clues & You! merchandise available exclusively at Walmart and participated in the #SkidooChallenge
Media Type Digital

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