Contact Information

Passatge Mercader 10 Bajos 3ª
Barcelona 08008
Phone: +34 606 360 842

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Digital, Marketing/Creative Services, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Publishing/Print/Custom Publishing, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 2015

Creative Work: 1


Passatge Mercader 10 Bajos 3ª
Barcelona 08008
Phone: +34 606 360 842


THIS is UMAMI is a full service studio creating strategy and design across all platforms. 


English, Spanish
Philosophy & Competitive Advantages

In 1908, Japanese professor Kikuane Ikeda coined the term umami (“The Beautiful Taste”) when he realized how certain combined ingredients gave rise to a feeling of unusual intensity in one’s taste buds, the result of a new and unknown synergy. More than a hundred years later, THIS is UMAMI was founded with the goal of continuing to generate synergies. To achieve this, we create frameworks for action. That’s what we do. We are framework creators.

Something powerful exists in our cultural fabric, waiting to be connected. Our mission now, much like professor Ikeda in his time, is to discover that which intensifies the flavours present in the taste buds of our time. We provide hungry and stimulated minds a framework they can relate to in a new way.

If you too are hungry, if you also seek the beautiful taste, you’ve come to the right place. Bon appetit! 

Network Description

THIS is UMAMI is a creative laboratory constantly evolving, made up of three interdependent structures.

Kaiseki is a style of Japanese art that honours, through the careful presentation of all culinary elements, the flavour of the food we eat. A tribute to pleasure and efficiency through aesthetics and planning content that we develop in TV Advertisements, Print Campaigns, Websites and all other forms of online and offline media to create beautiful, evocative, thoughtful and effective advertising.


We discover groups of passionate people (Fandoms) wanting to do different things (Makers) and we create for them a framework of action in which they can express themselves in a free manner. Our purpose is to give the audience to whom we are addressing the role of actors in communication through collective creations; making them active agents and producers of content. The fandomaking is, in short, a new way of relating between brands and their followers from a transmedia and highly contemporary perspective.

Reborn Magazine

Publishing project (in development phase) in which we approach the works of the greatest authors of literature from the perspective of the leading visual artists of today. The reinterpretation and recontextualization of the classics through the definitive means of reading of our time: The Magazine. 

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