Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Contact Information

Solmsstraße 4
Frankfurt am Main 60486
Phone: 69 42 72 614-0

Basic Info


Solmsstraße 4
Frankfurt am Main 60486
Phone: 69 42 72 614-0


Anyone who moves people and brands successfully must be doing something right! We’re proud of our enduring success, and of the long-term client relationships that reflect it. As an owner-run B2B agency, we develop cross-media solutions for your communication. Whether national or international, online or off, we always strive to add value cost effectively. We believe good ideas work across all channels. And to make sure they do, we have a wide range of specialists on board: strategists, online experts, ad people, PR professionals and of course creatives too. All of them share a passion for using the opportunities our digitalised, interconnected world has to offer in fresh and innovative ways. Our group comprises two agencies: PINK CARROTS and PINK CARROTS HEALTH. PINK CARROTS HEALTH moves people and brands in the healthcare sector, and has been delivering measurable success for more than 20 years. 

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