Contact Information

Plaza del Callao, 5. Planta 11
Madrid 28013
Phone: (+34) 911 875 232

Basic Info

Founded in: 2007


Plaza del Callao, 5. Planta 11
Madrid 28013
Phone: (+34) 911 875 232

About Findasense

We are a global Omnichannel Consumer Experience company with consulting, agency and technology integrator capabilities, who believe in business as a positive force for change.

Our consulting, solutions and products allow companies to create a frictionless consumer journey through all channels (phone, social, web, mobile, retail, etc). We use the power of data science to generate personalized experiences and execute strategies by creating relevant content.

With a mission to innovate and transform the way organizations relate to people, we create global and local solutions to drive the digital transformation of our customers, with more than 250 employees trained as innovation leaders, around 20 countries around the world: United States, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Spain and Morocco.

We have a deep and multidimensional knowledge of the consumer in more than 10 industries, obtained by working as a partner with companies such as: L'Oreal, The Coca-Cola Company, Kimberly Clark, FOX, Huawei, Bimbo, Lenovo, Banco Santander, Electronic Arts, IE Business School, Orange and Bayer among others. 

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