Contact Information

3361 South.West. Third Avenue
Miami Florida 33145
United States
Phone: 305 856-9800

Basic Info

beber silverstein group

3361 South.West. Third Avenue
Miami Florida 33145
United States
Phone: 305 856-9800
Ann Marie Drozd

Ann Marie Drozd

Vice President

Phone: 305 929-9733

Joe Perez


Phone: 305 856 9800

About beber silverstein group

That building with the big thought bubbles outside the building? That's us. It’s also a good example of what we do: Get people talking.;We call it "culturesmithing" -- weaving brand stories into the personal culture of the target market, creating cultural phenomena that people notice, like and, ultimately, participate in. Culturesmiths build relationships, not ads, and talk with people, not at them. Launching a dialogue that people want to participate in.;By shaping cultural discourse through this participatory process, instead of trying to force tired ad messages into consumers' already overloaded brains, we're able to continually reinforce brand relevance and consumer choice, promoting positive feelings about the brand and the consumer's decision to make it part of his or her life.;Culturesmithed messages appear in traditional and non-traditional media, wherever the target is most likely to become part of the dialogue. That could be on the street in front of our building, on television as part of a multimedia campaign or on a social media channel on a cell phone. Then, once the relationship is established, the consumer becomes involved in all the key milestones of a brand's life.

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