Contact Information

Korte Prinsengracht 26
Amsterdam 1013GS
Phone: 020 606 3580

Gijsbregt Vijn

Gijsbregt Vijn


Phone: 0206063580

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Digital, Mobile, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Market Research/Consulting, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Public Relations, Media Buying/Planning, Corporate Communication, Recruitment/Motivation, Public Affairs, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Strategy and Planning, Healthcare, Financial, Agricultural, Industrial, Technology, Online services, B2B, Political, Institutional/Public Interest/Nonprofit, Retail, Entertainment, Beauty, Fashion, Luxury Goods, Travel and Tourism, Consumer, Children, Teens/College, Seniors

Founded in: 2001

Employees: 20

Creative Work: 9

Clients: 17

Core Competencies: Digital, Mobile, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Experiential, Branded Content/Entertainment, Market Research/Consulting, Marketing Technologies/Analytics, Public Relations, Media Buying/Planning, Corporate Communication, Recruitment/Motivation, Public Affairs, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Branding/Celebrity endorsement, Strategy and Planning, Healthcare, Financial, Agricultural, Industrial, Technology, Online services, B2B, Political, Institutional/Public Interest/Nonprofit, Retail, Entertainment, Beauty, Fashion, Luxury Goods, Travel and Tourism, Consumer, Children, Teens/College, Seniors

Founded in: 2001

Employees: 20

Creative Work: 9

Clients: 17

Lemon Scented Tea

Korte Prinsengracht 26
Amsterdam 1013GS
Phone: 020 606 3580
Gijsbregt Vijn

Gijsbregt Vijn


Phone: 0206063580

News from Lemon Scented Tea

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