The Eternal City: Gen Z, Millennials and the Future of Urban Living

The Cassandra team recently hosted a webinar with The Infatuation, a resource for restaurant reviews and guides, “The Eternal City: Gen Z, Millennials and the Future of Urban Living,” where we examine

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The Cassandra team recently hosted a webinar with The Infatuation, a resource for restaurant reviews and guides, “The Eternal City: Gen Z, Millennials and the Future of Urban Living,” where we examined trends among urban Gen Z and Millennials. What are their attitudes around urban living in the future, where are they rethinking their daily lives, and how will they lead us out to a future “normal”?
Take a look at our infographic below to see some of the highlights from our webinar.

We’re Cassandra

As cultural strategists and business intelligence experts, we anticipate consumer-driven market shifts by understanding trendsetting young people. Our work anticipates these shifts so companies are primed for what’s happening now and next, and prepare brands for the future.

For nearly 20 years (before “Millennials” became a buzzword), Cassandra has worked with brands to tap into young consumer mindsets that hold the keys to their future. And now, backed by data-driven marketing powerhouse, ENGINE Group, our impact is greater than ever.

We Anticipate Industry Shifts

We understand that unmatched foresight uncovers new opportunities and keeps brands at the cusp of innovation. Through our scientific approach, we analyze young consumers and trendsetters to quantify where change is actually happening in the marketplace.

We See Tomorrow®

With constantly shifting, ever-evolving, and fracturing attitudes and values of young consumers, simply keeping up is not enough. Adapting to trends as they come leaves companies too focused on now and not what’s next. At Cassandra, we empower our clients to know when change is coming, what it is, how young people are adapting, and what brands should do about it. We believe that to understand youth is to See Tomorrow.