Insights: The Cutting Edge of Advertising tag: adameveddb - Insights

Ad industry thought leaders discuss creativity, business trends and how technology is revolutionizing advertising.

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 23 October 2023
Eurostar has been whisking passengers under the Channel (or as the French call it, “La Manche”) since 1994. Now it's in renewal mode, with a refreshed brand identity and a lyrical advertising campaign.  read more

by Jeff Finkle on 21 February 2017
We seem to be living in an uncertain world of alternative facts, where Saturday Night Live spoofs no longer seem like satire but there is some comfort in embracing the humor... read more

Mark Tungate
by Mark Tungate on 12 October 2015
Technology is replacing performance as the central sales pitch of car advertising. Car ads have tended to focus on the driver experience, whether the person (usually a man) behind the wheel is negotia... read more

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