Contact Information

2nd Floor, Rue Defacqz 78
Bruxelles 1060
Phone: +32 (0)2 740 07 14

Basic Info

Founded in: 1959

Founded in: 1959

European Association of Communications Agencies

2nd Floor, Rue Defacqz 78
Bruxelles 1060
Phone: +32 (0)2 740 07 14

EACA Reveals Logo & Visual Identity Evolution

The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) announces the launch of its updated logo and brand identity, designed and crafted by Ogilvy Health. The change comes along with a new slogan, “Future-proofing the value of communications agencies in Europe”. In recent years, EACA has grown organically into a
trusted industry voice and this visual upgrade successfully complements its journey.

“A pandemic, the reality of Brexit, strained international alliances, the EU Institutions putting advertising and digital services under the microscope - Europe needs a reinvigorated and focused advertising industry body to fight its corner like never before. Welcome to the new EACA!”, said EACA’s President Paul O'Donnell, Regional Chairman, Ogilvy EMEA.

Tamara Daltroff, Director General, EACA added: “EACA has evolved into a more modern and agile force, and it was high time to reflect that in our corporate identity. Thank you Ogilvy Health for capturing it so well!”.

The new logo combines the concepts of communication and equality by incorporating a speech bubble and a round table icon. The vibrant colours represent EACA as a modern and innovative force, while the five separate colours in the letter C represent the five councils of the Association. They also reflect EACA’s diversity, equity and inclusion ambitions.
Furthermore, the Councils will now have their own logo, derived from the main visual, each sporting its own colour and symbol.
Following the launch of its new brand identity, EACA will also gradually update its website and digital assets.
October also brings INSPIRE, EACA’s newest project: the first ever European catalogue of marketing communications courses, collected and curated by a committee of experts in the field. The platform caters to young professionals and students through its courses, and to speakers from across the continent and beyond who are looking to increase their audience.