Jamie Umpherson
Creative Director at The Martin Agency
Richmond, United States
BriefWhen the U.S. Treasury announced that a woman would be featured on the $10 bill, they asked citizens to participate in the design via social media. The AAUW used the opportunity to draw attention to the fact that women earn 78% of a man’s wage – a figure that drops to 64% among African American women and 54% among Latinas. Users logged on to TheReal10.org to create their own $10 bill to share on social media and raise awareness about the wage gap issue. In the following months, the conversation changed and President Obama signed equal pay actions into law.
Campaign #TheReal10
Advertiser AAUW
Brand AAUW
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2015 / 10
Business Sector Human Rights
Story Join us in the http://FightForFairPay.org and help us make more than just symbolic change with #TheNew10.
The U.S. Treasury has called on Americans to submit their “ideas, symbols, designs, or any other feedback that can inform the secretary as he considers options for the $10 redesign.” So we figured we’d help Secretary Lew reimagine the $10 bill by illustrating just how real the gender pay gap is.
Our research shows that even when you account for all the factors known to affect pay, women are already paid 7 percent less than men just one year after college — and the gap only grows from there. At this rate, the pay gap will not close for another 124 years.
Putting a woman on the $10 bill is supposed to symbolize the gains women have made. And while symbolism is important, we simply can’t let it stop there.
Women fought for the right to vote. AAUW is fighting for the injustices we still face.Join us in that fight at http://www.aauw.org. 
Media Type Case Study
Social Media Expert
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