Emmanuelle Aquino
Communication manager at BBDO Paris
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
TitleExtra HD
Campaign Extra HD
Advertiser General Mills
Brand Haagen Dazs
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2018 / 4
Business Sector Ice Cream
Story SD or HD? Choose an even better option with Exträa HD! Häagen-Dazs and MyTF1 VOD have teamed up to create the first ever ice-cream delivery service integrated into a VOD platform. The two iconic brands have launched an innovative “ice-cream on demand service” named Exträa HD.
Media Type Social Media
Vice President (VP)
Group Account Director
Account Supervisor
Project Manager Assistant
Executive Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Copywriter / Art Director
Communications Director
TV Production
Production Manager
Producer / Video
Post Production
Post Production

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