Jacqueline Lijtensten
Production Company Producer at Bendercine
Buenos Aires, Argentina
TitleGet Married
Title (original language)Casamiento
Campaign Pressure - Lays
Advertiser PepsiCo Inc.
Brand Lay's
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2006 / 8
Product Aired Lay's
Business Sector Cocktail Snacks
Tagline Lighter, drier and less fat.
Story The TV campaign shows two women that feels the social pressure of getting married before going 30 and having the figure of a model.
Philosophy The TV campaign tries to change it by showing women that relax, that reject pressure and avoid being smothered.
The new Aired Lay’s bring some “air” into women’s lives.
Problem Today, society asks more and more from women every day. They were supposed to be married before 30, be great mothers, be cool and fashion, have the figure of a model, (and many other requests) all at the same time.
Media Type Television
Market Argentina
Creative Director
Account Executive
Production Company Producer
Director of Photography (DOP)
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Agency Producer
Account Director

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