Wunderman Thompson Launches Bespoke Metaverse

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Hot on the heels of the metaverse frenzy, Wunderman Thompson has built a bespoke metaverse to give clients the opportunity to find out more about this new frontier of customer experience.

The Wunderman Thompson metaverse will explore how virtual and physical realities can converge and the elements of the metaverse that will shape our future and change how we do business. The branded metaverse experience will examine the meta-trends that impact consumers through the creation of MetaLives, MetaSpaces, MetaBusiness, and MetaSocieties. ‘Inspiration Kiosks’ will also be placed throughout the metaverse to give users contextual information about the experience and insight from Wunderman Thompson Intelligence’s recent report, ‘Into the Metaverse’.

Wunderman Thompson partnered with Odyssey to bring this platform to life and will premiere the experience at 11am PST on Thursday 6 January, during a session at CES led by Emma Chiu, Global Director of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence. The global communications network plans to offer clients ongoing opportunities to experience the bespoke platform and other innovations as part of their mission to inspire growth for ambitious brands.

“Our ‘Into the Metaverse’ report offered a glimpse into how the metaverse is shaping our future, but we’re delighted to bring this to life through our branded experience. Here we can really start to show clients how our virtual and physical realities can converge and explore the elements of the metaverse that will change the way we do business." Emma Chiu, Global Director of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence

Emma continued: "From conception to execution, the Odyssey team have been brilliant partners. Their use of pixel streaming technology in their platform means our metaverse is accessible now, without high-end computer hardware or software, so people can join from anywhere in the world to understand the intricacies of this new space and establish a roadmap for entry."

Naomi Troni, Global Chief Marketing & Growth Officer at Wunderman Thompson says: “We wanted to truly explore this interesting new frontier in customer experience and what better way to talk about the metaverse, but IN the metaverse. Emma is a true thought leader in this space, so it’s exciting to be able to share her CES talk with clients and partners who can’t make it to Las Vegas this year. I’m continually inspired by the opportunities the metaverse presents and am excited to be able to share our branded metaverse experience with people to explore the meta-trends that impact consumers through the creation of MetaLives, MetaSpaces, MetaBusiness, and MetaSocieties.”

Reid SantaBarbara, CEO of Odyssey added: “CES has historically been a place for brands to demonstrate their most forward-thinking work. With the conversation around the metaverse growing, we wanted to deliver an experience that contributed to CES’s legacy of innovation. Creating this experience to exemplify Wunderman Thompson’s ‘Into the Metaverse’ report provided the perfect opportunity to do just that - with Odyssey’s pixel streaming stack, we’ve created a unique insight as to what the metaverse can be for brands, in a manner that is accessible by anyone with a web-connected device.”

Wunderman Thompson is a leader in the metaverse space, launching ‘Into the Metaverse’ in 2021, an in-depth report that outlines what the metaverse is, how it’s changing people’s lives and creating new opportunities, and why brands need to pay attention. The Wunderman Thompson metaverse experience parallels the points made in the report and Emma Chiu’s session at CES.

The first experience Wunderman Thompson will host in its metaverse will be held on Thursday 6 January 2022 at 11.30am PST. The session, led by Emma Chiu, will present the ‘Into the Metaverse’ report and will give brands the chance to find out more about metaverse environments. 


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