Nexus/H has appointed Tom Poynter, former joint chief executive of iris London, ...

by Chris Saunders , FTI Consulting
  • Nexus/H has appointed Tom Poynter, former joint chief executive of iris London, as its group managing director.
  • Benett is new Havas Worldwide president.
  • TAXI Toronto hired Mark Tomblin as head of planning. Most recently, Tomblin was at Leo Burnett Group in London, where he held dual roles as head of planning and planning lead for Kellogg Europe and Kellogg UK.
  • TAXI New York named David Jenkins as president. Jenkins was most recently chief integration officer at Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal + Partners.
  • Chris Wilson, formerly a business director at JWT New York on Johnson & Johnson, overseeing such leading brands as Band-Aid, Neosporin, and Visine, has been named director of account management, senior partner at JWT Atlanta.
  • Venables Bell & Partners promoted Paul Birks-Hay to managing director.
  • Richards/Lerma hired Aldo Quevedo as principal and creative director.
  • DDB Chicago hired Mark Hansen as executive vice president, director of account management.
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