Missing Chalices

Stella Artois takes Chalice theft as an “understandable” compliment

DAVID New York
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After "Steal Artois", Stella Artois continues to celebrate its iconic Chalices with "Missing Chalices."

Every year, thousands of Stella Artois Chalices go missing from bars. While most brands would find this "unacceptable," Stella Artois considers the borrowing of a Chalice "understandable" and sees it as proof of the brand’s value to consumers. That’s why Stella chooses to celebrate this unique and distinctive asset in a new campaign. 

"Missing Chalices," created by DAVID New York, includes print ads, radio spots, and a film. The print ads and film authentically portray Chalices finding new homes in domestic settings, celebrating a behavior that, while unacceptable, is understandable.


The three radio spots created for the campaign draw inspiration from heist movie music and dialogues, imagining conversations between bar-goers planning Chalice robberies.

"We aimed to showcase Stella Artois' worth and put its Chalice in the spotlight with real consumer behavior that will resonate globally," says Andre Toledo, CCO at DAVID New York.

The campaign is already underway in Chile. View the full campaign here.


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