Daily Forum: Most Viral Ads of 2015, Leo Burnett Sydney, Hilarious Bobble Ad, People Over 50, App Shopping, and More

by James Thompson

The Future Is Now: Consumers Turn to Apps for Digital Shopping 

Advertising must evolve with consumer shopping habits that are driven by technological advances. Now that 30% of all purchases are made online via mobile phones, the advertising industry must somehow figure out the best ways to reach consumers who opt to use apps for shopping instead of smartphone browsers. Visit Ad Age for the full story.


Bobble Ad Hilariously Mocks Millennial Advertising

“Who gives a shit about the future?” Haha. Well played, Bobble, 72andSunny.   


Job of the Day: Executive Creative Director at VSA in New York City

The Executive Creative Director (ECD) will lead the strategic and creative course of programmatic work and is responsible for the creative relationship with VSA clients. He/she will be responsible for the overall growth and success of a team of designers. The ECD must demonstrate the ability to craft and execute multi-market, multi-channel design strategies, which contribute to the growth of account and to opportunities for future accounts. He/she will embrace and support VSA’s policies and culture and will have the personal goal of producing the best quality work at all times. Read more at VSA. 


It’s That Time: Check Out the Most Viral Ads of 2015

“Creatives, despair! With just six weeks left in 2015, the most shared of the year contains nothing but found footage, according to new data from Unruly—hilarious and adorable found footage, but found footage nonetheless. But maybe that's OK. The spot, "Friends Furever" for Google's Android, caused a bit of consternation at first over at Droga5—the agency that created it, and which is known for creating some of the industry's most original advertising, not just slapping together funny clips it finds on the Internet.” Full story at Adweek


Leo Burnett Sydney Gets a Lesson in Tone Deafness

“A little while ago, Leo Burnett Sydney hired 5 new creatives. All of them were men. The agency promoted the hires with a very bro-like picture. The agency was then roundly chastised for its seeming disregard for the fact that there are women creatives who exist who can be hired by agencies. Upon seeing this announcement, former BBH US Founder and champion of equality in advertising Cindy Gallop tweeted to the agency, ‘It's 2015. What the f*ck were you thinking?’ as well as pointing out this creative department bromance has many riled up.” More at MediaPost.


The Ad Contrarian Explains How Advertising Got It All Wrong

“A milestone in marketing stupidity has been reached. According to a September report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor, a majority of consumer spending (51%) is now done by people over 50. These people are the target for 10% of marketing activity. On the other hand, marketers spend five times as much money marketing to millennials, the moronic obsession of every marketer on the planet, than any other group.” Full story at The Ad Contrarian


Agency of the Week

Ogilvy & Mather: “We sell. Or else.” These words of David Ogilvy sound simple, but are deeply meaningful to us. David began the agency in 1948 and built Ogilvy & Mather into one of the most legendary branding companies in the world. Underpinning this is the philosophy of “divine discontent” — the simple belief that in order to be creative one must be permanently dissatisfied and always seeking to be better than good. 

Because today is Thursday, check out this Denny's ad by Erwin Penland

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