Daily Forum: Farewell Advertising Week XII, Thanks for the Memories

by James Thompson

This edition of the Daily Forum is dedicated to Advertising Week XII, which wrapped up yesterday in Times Square, New York City.

The event was a remarkable success with compelling seminars featuring advertising industry luminaries and other notable thought leaders from every imaginable discipline – from content strategy and disruptive technologies to cause marketing and virtual reality.

The AdForum Team had a blast. We live tweeted from the shadows of Hard Rock Café, interviewed celebrities in front of BB Kings Blues Club and Grill, crawled along the Times Center Stage floor for the perfect picture, and made friends – lots of friends – with everyone. We met the highly caffeinated AstroBoost team and pugnacious blonde-ambition Neustar girls, power tool guru and comedian Adam Carolla and the friendly iHeartRadio ice cream truck guy. It was educational and inspiring but, most of all, it was an adventure.

The good times kicked off last Monday morning as AdForum caught up with celebrity Adam Carolla. Our man-on-the-street and advertising journalist Jamel Nelson spoke with Carolla about podcasting, the smell of a square driver, and his relationship with advertisers. A little behind-the-scenes info: Before we turned on the mic on to begin the interview, Carolla look at Jamel, pointed at his head and said, “I had a haircut like that in high school.” Yes, Carolla would have been in high school about the time Kid ‘n Play was rocking the charts. Watch the full, and hilarious, interview. 

James Thompson, AdForum’s Content Director, interviewed Marie-Claire Barker, MEC’s Global Chief Talent Officer, about a unique hiring event the renowned agency held at Advertising Week to attract the latest talent in the industry. MEC’s Live Hire event netted 10 new employees who will relocate to New York City from as far away as Toronto, Florida, and Washington, D.C., to begin their advertising careers at MEC.

AdForum Exclusive: 5 Questions for MEC’s Global Chief Talent Officer, Marie-Claire Barker

On September 28, the first day of Advertising Week XII, MEC held a unique and innovative recruiting event to attract and hire the most ambitious and talented members of a new generation of advertising professionals. AdForum recently spoke with Marie-Claire Barker, MEC’s Global Chief Talent Officer, about MEC’s special hiring strategy, how it serves as an extension of MEC’s creative culture, and why the advertising industry must actively appeal to an emerging generation of thought leaders. Read the full interview.

The AdForum team also live tweeted every day of Advertising Week, which brought us closer to our clients and colleagues throughout the advertising industry. 


Because we here at AdForum are fans of everything that is meta, we just had to meet the brands and advertisers who were actually advertising at Advertising Week. Check out the mashup below of our fellow comrades who worked through the crowds, rain, and chaos while being fueled by Facebook cookies. And let’s face it: if you don’t recognize the AstroBoost folks, you weren’t at Advertising Week. Enjoy the video below:

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