Daily Forum: Cyber Monday, Advertising in 2016, Salt Warnings, MGM Taps McCann, PHD and Much More

by James Thompson

It’s Cyber Monday: Everyone at Work Knows You’re Shopping Right Now So Be Careful

(Image via Centro)

“So many people do their holiday shopping online that the idea of 'Cyber Monday' seems like a relic of an era when online retail was a novelty in search of legitimacy. Still, the name — and the sales — persist, but shopping on the job today could land you in a heap of trouble with the boss." Read more at Consumerist

Advertising in 2016 Will Be All About Virtual Reality

(Image via The Telegraph)

“Of the technologies we will see maturing for marketing use in 2016, virtual reality (VR) is the most exciting. The bravest brands have already dipped their toes in the water: The NBA was the first to VR stream a sports event, and The New York Times recently partnered with Google to get Cardboard viewers on the faces of their subscribers. Expect more. While receiving a Cardboard VR viewer via direct mail may trigger flashbacks of the days when AOL trial discs were ubiquitous, the branded viewer seems less likely to wind up in recycling bins than your average flyer or conference swag.” More at Digiday

AdForum’s Ad of the Day: “Winter Memories to Last a Lifetime” by Conexta AG

Job of the Day: Senior Copywriter at Huge in Brooklyn

Our Senior Copywriters have a passion for writing and keen understanding of the specific demands of digital media. (In short: love words. Appreciate brevity.) In addition to creating content, media and marketing for a wide variety of users and user needs, Senior Copywriters are responsible for brainstorming creative concepts with the project team, developing original campaigns, and representing the writer’s perspective in client presentations. Details at Huge

MGM International Selects McCann, PHD

“At some point before you left the office for the holiday with visions of drumsticks dancing in your heads, MGM International completed its dual creative/media agency reviews, awarding the business to McCann and Omnicom’s PHD, respectively.” Details at AgencySpy.

Xbox and Amazon Win Black Friday Buzz Wars

“This shopping season, Salesforce is using its live social tracker to better understand how, and how often, brands lead the Black Friday and Cyber Monday conversation online. The tool can be used to see which brands people are talking about most on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as well as the terms mentioned most often and the most-used tags. It also shows which campaign strategies are resonating with consumers and how Black Friday buzz varies in different regions of the United States.” Full story at Adweek

Food Talk: Salt Warnings Displayed at Restaurant Chains in New York City

“New York City begins a new era in nutritional warnings this week, when chain restaurants will have to start putting a special symbol on highly salty dishes. The first-of-its-kind rule takes effect Tuesday. It will require a salt-shaker emblem on some sandwiches, salads and other menu items that top the recommended daily limit of 2,300 milligrams — about a teaspoon — of sodium.” More at Business Insider

Agency of the Week

J Walter Thompson New York: For the past 150 years, JWT New York has been about marrying intelligent, sophisticated ideas to the technological innovations of the moment. As the headquarters of a global network of more than 10,000 people in 90 offices in more than 200 countries, we are indeed “worldmade”. Inspired by and of the world and taking those global insights and combining them with technology to deliver highly relevant communications across a wide array of platforms – paid, owned, co-created and earned -- for the brands that we serve. 

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