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Jose Miguel Sokoloff (MullenLowe Group)


Jose Miguel Sokoloff is Global President of MullenLowe Group’s Creative Council, Co-Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of MullenLowe SSP3 (Colombia). Jose Miguel is also one of the most internationally awarded and respected advertising creatives and peace proponents in the world. Sokoloff’s philosophy of employing soft power over force for effective behavior change manifests in the communications he has designed throughout his career to address cultural and societal issues in ways that transcend borders and challenge norms.

Native to Colombia, Sokoloff’s most recognized work for the Colombian Ministry of Defense has propelled him from advertising creative to cultural figure, having spoken and appeared across a variety of widely recognized platforms with mass audiences such as TED Global, NPR’s This American Life, and WIRED, in addition to the ad industry’s most renowned forums such as the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

Throughout the past decade, his work to demobilize the FARC Guerrillas of the Colombian jungles has been a powerful driver towards reaching peace in the country, and has led to the demobilization of over 17,000 guerrillas to date. The most successful campaigns, Rivers of Light, and Operation Christmas, have connected Colombians in ways previously considered unimaginable, and have aimed to steer the nation towards an enhanced quality of life for all. 

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