TitleBoard04 SweetBlock
Campaign SweetBlock
Advertiser Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism
Brand Abraji
PostedMay 2022
Business Sector Political/Religious/Trade Organizations
Story Thanks to the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) and the website Congresso em Foco, journalists, lawyers and members of the country’s scientific community now have their “cake” and can tweet it too. Working with FCB Brasil and its creative data arm FCB/SIX, Abraji devised unique pieces of cake-inspired crypto-art that journalists and people from other professions including educators and scientists can use on their Twitter profile to indicate to followers that they have been blocked by the country’s government officials. To obtain one of the cryptographic cakes, simply log-in to the dedicated website, which detects if their Twitter account has been blocked by at least one of the 600 people currently holding public office in the country—including the president and vice-president, as well as various secretaries and ministers of state. For those who have been blocked, the system generates a unique cryptographic cake using non-fungible token technology, signifying that it is certified and unique. The shape and ingredients for the cryptographic cake also convey specific information: A square cake, for example, signifies that someone has been blocked by a congressman, while caramel frosting indicates that they were blocked for opposing political views, while the cake’s texture indicates their professional field (eg: biologist, journalist, etc.). NFT’s help create a type of “digital police report” that is blockchain-certified and records not only the person who was blocked, but also the person who blocked them, and the reason for the block. Once registered to the blockchain, each NFT is impossible to censor or erase. The “SweetBlock” campaign was inspired by the cake recipes that the country’s newspapers would publish to protest articles that had been censored by the country’s repressive military dictatorship between 1964 and 1985.
Media Type Case Study
CCO Ricardo John, FCB Brasil
Chief Creative Officer Ian Mackenzie, FCB/SIX
ECD Anna Martha Silveira, FCB Brasil
Executive ECD Marcelo Rizério, FCB Brasil
CSO Renata D'Ávila, FCB Brasil
CGO Fábio Freitas, FCB Brasil
Producto Bonnie Chung, FCB/SIX, VP
Midia Tiago Santos, FCB Brasil, VP
VP Negócios Elton Longhi, FCB Brasil
Executive Creative Director Fabio Simões, FCB Brasil
Associate Creative Director Rafael Pascarella, FCB Brasil
Design Team Fábio Cristo João Porto, FCB Brasil
Art Director André Mezzomo, FCB Brasil
Copywriter Kayran Moroni, FCB Brasil
Content Strategist Théa Rodrigues, FCB Brasil
Motion Design & Editing Manager Rodrigo Resende, FCB Brasil
Editor Luiz Eduardo Doria, FCB Brasil
Production Director Fernanda Geraldini, FCB Brasil
Broadcast Production Pedro Lazzuri Amanda Fonseca, FCB Brasil
Production Manager João Albertini, FCB Brasil
Senior Project Manager Amanda Redondo, FCB Brasil
Strategic Platforms Lead Eli Ferrara, FCB/SIX
Technology Team Juscelino Vieira Liandra Monteiro Ricardo Gomes Rodrigo Fernandes, FCB Brasil
Strategy Director Rafael Martins, FCB Brasil
Business Intelligence Team Priscilla Olegario Thiago Fatichi, FCB Brasil
Client Services Director Samya Anjos, FCB Brasil
PR Team Maria Cacaia Priscila Noronha, FCB Brasil
Legal & Finance Team Catarina Fugulin Ricardo Silva Thiago Bezerra, FCB Brasil
Technology Partners Bruno Dias Daniel, IVM Litemint Mdcode OriginalMy Zappo
Technology Partners Morsoleto Edilson, IVM Litemint Mdcode OriginalMy Zappo
Technology Partners Osorio Fred Rezeau Jr, IVM Litemint Mdcode OriginalMy Zappo
Technology Partners Igor Magrini Sandro Salles, IVM Litemint Mdcode OriginalMy Zappo
Sound Production Alexandre Marcondes, Shuffle Audio
Sound Production Fabio Pannunzio Luiz, Shuffle Audio
Sound Production Fernando Vital Marina, Shuffle Audio
Sound Production Leite Marta Campos, Shuffle Audio