Campaign Toyota x Alejo
Advertiser Toyota
Brand Toyota Camry

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PostedJune 2024
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Television
SoundtrackSubscribers Only
Director N....ás M...dez Subscribers Only

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Toyota celebrates the love in airport reunions amidst the chaos of the holiday season.

This holiday season, Toyota invites people to experience the true essence of love and family with its latest spot, "Arrivals." Developed for Hispanic audiences, the work captures the joy of reuniting, highlighting that it's not always a breeze, yet absolutely worthwhile—even amidst the holiday frenzy.

The story unfolds as families navigate weather, traffic, delays and frustration, culminating in magical moments of reunion, of all places, at airports. Toyota vehicles play a prominent role in the bilingual production created by Conill and directed by the award-winning Max Malkin.

This campaign hones in on the significance of togetherness and family, particularly for the Hispanic community. It showcases the value of gathering during the holiday season and the meaningful efforts that individuals make to be with their loved ones.

“Arrivals embodies the heartfelt dedication related to holiday reunions—a celebration of those who still welcome their family and friends at the airport despite seasonal hurdles," shared Veronica Elizondo, Conill's Chief Creative Officer. "Imagine braving freezing weather or dealing with crazy traffic on the 405 freeway to LAX—these are real stories from Toyota owners that inspired us. We aimed to uncover some beauty amidst the chaos, but with a lighthearted tone.”

Arrivals will air on broadcast, targeted cable networks, cinema and various digital channels.


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