TitleThe Micropedia of Microaggressions (film) 118s
BriefThe Micropedia is the world’s first encyclopedia of microaggressions. It’s a judgement-free online tool that provides easy-to-digest information where people can unlearn their unconscious bias and make immediate changes in their daily interactions with others. Modelled after other crowd-sourced wikis, entries are collected via user submissions. The entries span nine categories including 2SLGBTQ+, Age, Class-Based, Disability, Ethnicity, Gender, Race, Religion, and Indigenous. Each definition breaks down the harmful impact of the microaggression while resources and real-world examples from news, media, and pop culture help folks truly comprehend the depth of the issue. By raising self-awareness of these everyday interactions, The Micropedia will help create safer workplaces, schools, social settings and have lasting societal impact.
Campaign The Micropedia of Microaggressions
Advertiser Black Business and Professional Association, et al.
Brand Black Business and Professional Association, et al.

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About Zulu Alpha Kilo

Trade publications have written that Zulu Alpha Kilo (Z.A.K. for short) stands out as a ‘maverick global indie agency’ within the fiercely competitive advertising industry dominated by global holding companies. Launched in 2008, we’re proud that our shop has built a reputation over the years as an industry outlier and one of the most respected independent agencies in the world.
In 2016, Ad Age named us Small Agency of the Year and in 2017, 2021 and 2022, International Small Agency of the Year. We were featured as one of Forbes Top 100 Innovators of 2018, The Drum’s Agency of the Year 2021, and Campaign US 2021 Independent Agency of the Year. For three years running, Fast Company has recognized our work in their World Changing Ideas issue. In 2022, we were listed among the top ten independent agencies in the world in Cannes, One Show and D&AD, based on a body of effective, breakthrough work.
We were founded on the belief that the world needs more creativity. It’s what drives all our decision-making. There is just so much ineffective, badly crafted work in the world that never gets noticed, has zero impact and is a waste of client budgets. We are here to change all that.
When you truly embrace creativity as a competitive advantage, you will see it transform your world and your business. We’ve witnessed this over and over with our own clients.
And, as a purpose-driven company, we also use our creativity to do good in the world by supporting causes we truly believe in.
With 180 staff in New York, Toronto, and Vancouver, Z.A.K. is a magnet for top global talent. Want to change your world as a marketer? Let’s fight sameness together. 

Latest News

Virgin Plus doesn’t need adorability to sell affordable mobile and internet.


Virgin Plus is the obvious choice for affordable mobile and internet – so obvious in fact, that the selling power of advertising tropes aren’t needed to convince you. That’s the premise of the newest brand campaign from Virgin Plus titled “Nothing More Convincing”, which provides a satirical lens on some of the most classic advertising tropes in the books.

The campaign features three spots to emphasize the affordability of mobile and internet services offered by Virgin Plus. Featuring kittens dressed in rock star costumes and wearing toupees, a bedazzled jingling duo, and ‘actor doctors’, this is not your typical telco campaign.

Virgin Plus tasked Zulu Alpha Kilo with creating a new campaign to follow the ‘Everyone Knows’ campaign from the (Obviously) platform launch in summer 2023. “Building on the success of the ‘Everyone Knows’ campaign, ‘Nothing More Convincing’ is a compelling sequel that seamlessly aligns with our brands’ distinctive voice and identity,” said Devorah Lithwick, Head of Brand at Virgin Plus.

A complete 360 campaign featuring OOH, radio, retail, digital display and social, ‘Nothing More Convincing’ is a OLV campaign with multiple :15 and :06 spots and bespoke content for Tik Tok. It’s also featured in five languages – English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hinglish, and leverages the same spokespeople from the 2023 ‘Everyone Knows’ campaign for the Québec and Chinese markets: Québec Comedian Antoine Vézina and host/influencer Patrick Chen aka ‘Tarzan’.

“We love that the concept works with multiple tropes and demonstrates the personality behind the brand. It strikes a balance between authenticity and comedy that contributes to the up-beat tone of the brand,” said Jenny Glover, ZAK’s Chief Creative Officer.

Zulu Alpha Kilo worked with agency partners LG2 to develop the French campaigns, and Dyversity on the Cantonese, Mandarin, and Hinglish versions. The campaign is running throughout Canada this summer. 

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