Title100 Days of Dark
Campaign 100 Days of Dark
Advertiser Ford Motor Company
Brand Ford Ranger

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Date of First Broadcast/Publication Subscribers Only
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Television
Production Company
Director T..y ..e Subscribers Only
Chief Creative Officer J...an W..t Subscribers Only
Executive Creative Director L....os Ni......dis Subscribers Only
Producer A...n C...k Subscribers Only
Producer ..x D....no Subscribers Only
Producer E..a C...ns Subscribers Only
Associate Creative Director M...os Al.....te Subscribers Only
Director of Photography (DOP) J...er Sp....ng Subscribers Only
Strategist P...r Pa.....ov Subscribers Only
Strategist Ka.....ne Cu....gs Subscribers Only
Copywriter Al.....er S...h Subscribers Only
Art Director L...se S..w Subscribers Only
Group Business Director S...h R...er Subscribers Only
Business Director ..a Fo....er Subscribers Only
Account Manager Al.....er P...er Subscribers Only
Sound Designer T..y G....in Subscribers Only
Sound Design Company Gr....cy P..k S....os Subscribers Only
Music J...s O�.....nell Subscribers Only
Music Prod Company R...l M...c Subscribers Only
Editor J...an Eg.....en Subscribers Only
VFX Supervisor S....en M...er Subscribers Only
Post-production Producer A...ka Gu.....son Subscribers Only
Post Production Gr....cy P..k S....os Subscribers Only
Colorist ..n R...rs Subscribers Only
Retoucher P...r H...es Subscribers Only
Production Service Company J...n R....ts Pr......ons Subscribers Only

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