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PostedJuly 2014
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About lew'lara\TBWA

Brazilian agency, founded in 1992 by Luiz Lara and Jaques Lewkowicz. Since 2008 it has been part of the TBWA Group - Grupo Omnicom.
We are the ones who have Disruption® as their trademark, the cultural engine of 21st century business. We create innovative and disruptive ideas that locate and engage brands in the culture, giving them a greater participation in the future.
Lew’Lara\TBWA has more than 200 professionals and 2 offices in Brazil (São Paulo and Brasília), developing relevant work for different sectors: food & beverage, automotive, health, tourism, finance, beauty, among others. 

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Billboard Brazil launches Over 30, the first list of trans and transvestites over the age of 30

Conceptualized by Lew'Lara\TBWA, this project celebrates the lives of trans people who bucked the statistics of violence and swept past their 30th birthdays.

In a shocking fourteen-year record, Brazil still ranks number 1 worldwide for trans people killings. Data from the Report on Murder and Violence against Brazilian Transvestites and Transsexuals (Dossiê de Assassinatos e Violências contra Travestis e Transexuais Brasileiras), which was drawn up by the National Transvestites and Transsexuals Association (ANTRA), underscores the limited life expectancy of these segments of society, with most victims of violence in Brazil between 18 and 29 years old.

While some certainly find success in their teens and twenties, others feel that simply making it to 30 is a triumph. This is why Billboard Brazil is launching a project that challenges the prominence of younger celebrities who achieve fame and fortune. Instead, it plans to spotlight trans people and transvestites who have bucked the statistics of violence, swept past their thirtieth birthdays, and become bywords in their fields. This led to the launch of Over 30‎, underpinned by a partnership with Lew'Lara\TBWA and Mynd. This special edition presents the first list of 30 Brazilians who are bywords in their areas of expertise, respected within their communities, and leaders in the battle against transphobia in Brazil. The cover of the January 2024 edition features: actress, singer, and presenter Pepita; Goiás-born singer Mel Gonçalves; and singer, songwriter, businessperson, and teacher, Raquel.

These names were shortlisted with the help of a specialized consulting firm, which analyzed the reach, relevance and representativeness of community profiles. This list strives to honor not only the survivors of violence, but also others who amped up their voices and praised their talents, helping them become role models in their fields.

The 30 names on this list are professionals from many areas, including: Lina Pereira, Lea T, Noah Scheffel, Laerte, Roberta Close, Gabriela Augusto, Nany People, Thammy Miranda, and Fernando Lins. To check out the full Over 30‎ list, visit the Billboard Brazil website, or check out the print edition of the magazine, now available on newsstands throughout Brazil.

Singers Pepita, Mel Gonçalves and Raquel grace the cover of the first edition in January 2024

(Crédit: Publicity)

The Over 30‎ project will reach out through many more channels than just its print magazine. Designed to provide a solid springboard for celebrating trans and transvestite lives, its multichannel approach includes OOH and digital media, regular content uploaded to social networks, and even a single! Co-created by the three performers on the launch edition cover – Pepita, Mel Gonçalves and Raquel, and by music producer and composer Pablo Bispo, which will be released on all digital platforms in January.

"Although triggered by a tragic and appalling situation, we made sure to turn this project into a celebration of the creative talents of this community. While part of society cheers success before turning 30, we headline triumphs that are outweigh mere fame and money: surviving long enough to turn 30 is still a hard-won accomplishment for Brazil’s trans population. Working with brilliant people like Ariel Nobre, Raquel, Pepita, and Mel was a great privilege and a real learning process. Through their examples, we can now foster new trans talents, who will be honored every year from now on," adds Thiago Lacorte, Creative Director at Lew'Lara\TBWA.

While highlighting the plight of this community, the Over 30 project also strives to open up new opportunities for this community, urging effective changes in society. The entire construction process of this initiative included trans team members, all professionals working in the creation, development, reporting, photography, makeup, styling, and production fields, backed by consultant Ariel Nobre, Executive Director of the Diversity in Advertising Observatory.



Title:  Billboard Over 30


Client: Billboard Brasil          

Product: Over 30        

CEO: Marcia Esteves

Executive Creative Direction: Rodrigo Tortima e Rodrigo da Matta

Creative Direction: Thiago Lacorte

Art Direction: Thiago Lacorte, Paula Lopes e Caio Gatti

Copywrite: Cristina Prado e Hugo Nery

Consultant and Curator: Ariel Nobre

Managing Director: Evelin Batista

Business Team: Kézia Tonon 

Public Relatuions: Amanda Brandão e Yasmin Zampieri | Alisson Fernández

CDMO: Vicente Varela

Media Team:  Henrique Farias, Mariana Sobreira e Bruna Loredo

BI: Leonardo Cunha e Fernanda Furlan

CCOO: Elise Passamani


Billboard Brasil

Artistic Director: Camila Zana

Artistic Production: Olga Barbosa, Violeta Rodrigues Rivas e Izabelli Potter

Head of Planning: Lucas Almeida

Media: Bárbara Rocha e Etiellen Souza

Public Relations: Alisson Fernández

Editor-in-Chief: Débora Miranda

Senior Editor: Sérgio Martins

Editor: Liv Brandão

Digital Strategy Director: Leandro Carneiro

Special Projects: Carina Liberato

Reporters: Sanara Santos, Bruna Calazans, Guilherme Rocha, Isabela Pacilio, Isabela Pétala, Ludmilla Correia e Yuri da BS

Social Media: Guzmán Novaes

Art Direction: Marcos Artnoc

Design: Eduardo Pignata

Production/ Video: Igor D’Souza, Pedro Amaral Machado e Samuel Fonseca Machado

Photographer: Rafaela Kennedy

Photography Team: Karla Brights e Pedro Jorge

Stylist: Aneco Oblangata e Flora Babylon

Hair & Make: Sasa Ferreira e Raphaela Cruz

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