TitleThe Bread of Memory
Campaign The Bread of Memory
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PostedJuly 2013
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About Ogilvy Argentina

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Unseen faces: the campaign that makes visible the faces of girls and boys who are lost in Argentina, in the blurry of the children of celebrities.

In this joint action of Ogilvy Argentina together with Missing Children Argentina and the support of UNICEF, the value of protecting the identity of children is revalued while promoting the search for children who are missing from their homes. 

Ogilvy Argentina and Missing Children launched “Unseen Faces”, with the support of UNICEF. The first campaign that proposes to show the faces of the boys and girls who are missing in Argentina by including a QR code in the photos in which the children of celebrities appear blurred.

In Argentina, there are currently more than 100 children whose location is unknown, 40 of whom were lost when they were minors and are now over 18 years of age. The reports of missing children are mostly from adolescent women, and the most affected area is Greater Buenos Aires.

Therefore, “Unseen Faces” has the value of revaluing the right to the protection of children's faces in the media and at the same time creating a new way to show the faces of those who are crucial to be identified in order to be found. 

The campaign began with a note in which Natalia Oreiro, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, showed her son Atahualpa with a QR on his face. Days later, Natalia revealed in her social networks that this QR symbolizes both the right to the protection of the identity of minors and the urgency of exposing the faces of those who are missing from home and need to be made visible. In this way, the QR directs to the official Missing Children website that describes each of the girls and boys who are being sought. This action had a great impact. Immediately, more and more celebrities joined in by commenting on their networks.

“Historically, the relationship between celebrities and paparazzi was difficult when it came to protecting the identity of girls and boys. Today, the line is clearer, and the right of protection of the child is considered by blurring their faces, among other resources. On that way, we want to add value and, precisely, use the blurred faces of girls and boys children of celebrities as a platform to expose those who have to be found and return to their homes,” said Alejandro Garone, DGC of Ogilvy Argentina.

Ana Rosa Llobet President of Missing Children Argentina said that “This campaign proposes a simple yet powerful way to bring to the table a reality that hurts. There are many children who are far from their families and need to be found. That is why social commitment is the key to achieve our goal, it is essential the support of each one of us.  It is estimated that in the last three years, 95% of the missing children reported to MCA have been found. It is important for people to know that if they identify any of the missing children, they should immediately notify 1141573101, 08003335500 or e-mail indo@missingchildren.org.ar”.

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