Opera soap encourages the rendition of sweet symphonies in the shower

In Sweden the opera has always being a pretentious air with many believing it was a social outing reserved for the posh, upper classes. To defeat this commonly held view the Royal Opera in Sweden embarked on a campaign to show how close a relationship the opera has with your average, ordinary person on a daily basis. A shower soap was created called “Opera Soap”- it has special packaging with the words of famous opera songs adorned on the front so “shower singers” had the potential to blossom and reveal their true talent and “become” opera performers. The bottle could also be used a ticket to the Opera. People could see the clear undisputable relationship that existed between the opera and themselves- from singing/bellowing in their showers to seeing a live performance of the real thing in the Royal Opera.
TitleOpera Soap
Campaign Opera Soap
Advertiser The Royal Opera in Stockholm
Brand Royal Swedish Opera

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PostedJanuary 2013
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
ResultSubscribers Only
Media Type Case Study