A golden opportunity for Nikon

The camera maker develops a plan to win back ground from smartphones.

by Maud Largeaud , AdForum

To take an Instagram photo worth multiple “likes”, you need a few elements: an appealing subject, a good eye for composition – and decent equipment. These days, smartphones have such great cameras that specialist brands like Nikon are struggling to keep up. Enter Photopia, the German photography fair held every fall in Hamburg. Here, companies present their most innovative solutions and services to professionals and amateurs. Nikon and Mediaplus seized the decisive moment. Around the exhibition site, it installed outdoor advertising spaces with adjustable golden reflectors to create better light for photographers. At the entrance to the show there was even a gold poster, providing idea light for those tricky outdoor shots, and encouraging the target group to interact with the brand before coming face-to-face with its competitors inside the show. It attracted plenty of clicks – but this time they were camera shutters.