Contact Information

Fredrikinkatu 42
Helsinki 00100
Phone: +358 10 2704000

Sami Tikkanen

Sami Tikkanen

Stephanie Bardy

Stephanie Bardy

Head of New Business
Paula Sonne

Paula Sonne

Head of Eleven PR

Basic Info

Employees: 135

Awards: 153

Creative Work: 19

Employees: 135

Awards: 153

Creative Work: 19


Fredrikinkatu 42
Helsinki 00100
Phone: +358 10 2704000
Sami Tikkanen

Sami Tikkanen

Stephanie Bardy

Stephanie Bardy

Head of New Business
Paula Sonne

Paula Sonne

Head of Eleven PR

Memories of late President sculpted as a virtual statue – Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari in Memoriam


CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation is collecting memories of the beloved former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari. These memories are sculpted into a live virtual memorial shaped as the late President himself and projected onto a grand video wall in the center of Helsinki.

President Ahtisaari passed away on the 16th of October 2023, at the age of 86. He was known for his efforts in resolving international conflicts on several continents and over more than three decades. He was known to value all connections with people and is considered as a true voice of peace not only in Finland but everywhere in the whole world.

To honor his memory, CMI asked the general public to share memories of the beloved president - and in just two days collected hundreds of touching stories and encounters from around the world. The memories were projected as a virtual sculpture on a video wall facing the Finnish Parliament. The sculpture will update with new memories every day until the state funeral on 10th of November.

“This virtual sculpture symbolizes the humanity and compassion president Ahtisaari embodied in every encounter. It’s also a concrete reminder of the sentiment and legacy he continues to represent: a vision that all conflicts can be resolved”, says Antti Ämmälä, CMI Head of Communications.

The virtual statue was brought to life pro-bono by creative partner TBWA\Helsinki, technical partner digital studio Great Apes, and outdoor advertising company Clear Channel.
“The idea of using real stories and recollections to capture the likeness of President Ahtisaari came naturally. The vast number of memories already shared is a testament to his character, and constantly evolving digital sculpture feels very true to his way of facing every person as a valued individual”, says Paula Sonne, Head of Communications & PR, TBWA\Helsinki.

The virtual statue will be displayed on the video wall until Martti Ahtisaari's state funeral. CMI encourages people to actively share their memories of Martti Ahtisaari and support the continuation of his life’s work by donating to CMI’s Peace Fund at