
Minneapolis, United States

Contact Information

305 N 5th Ave Suite #200
Minneapolis MN 55401
United States


Ed  Dziedzic

Ed Dziedzic

Senior Partner, Integrated Marketing

Basic Info

Founded in: 2023

Creative Work: 15

Clients: 43

Founded in: 2023

Creative Work: 15

Clients: 43


305 N 5th Ave Suite #200
Minneapolis MN 55401
United States
Ed  Dziedzic

Ed Dziedzic

Senior Partner, Integrated Marketing

Phaedon fosters a culture of inclusivity and empowerment

Full Service
Minneapolis, United States
See Profile


Kris Tremaine, Chief Executive Officer at new independent agency Phaedon, expounds on her experiences and her goal of creating a workplace that is inclusive, diverse, and empowering for everyone.


In what ways can women in advertising pave the way for or support younger women hoping to break into advertising?

As a female CEO, I believe that women in leadership roles have a responsibility to not only help pave the way for younger women, but also support them holistically as people. Oftentimes, women take on a lot in both their personal lives and careers—and navigating them both successfully can be a balancing act. At Phaedon, we strive to create a culture that empowers and supports everyone — fostering an environment where everyone's voice is valued, regardless of their position, and where personal journeys and challenges are considered.

I’m also passionate about connecting younger women with more experienced professionals. These connections can provide valuable insights and guidance as they navigate their careers and lives. At Phaedon, we encourage mentorship and networking opportunities within our agency and the industry as a whole and we’ve cultivated an extended community with aspiring communications and advertising professionals at local universities.

Ultimately, my goal is to create a culture where younger women feel supported and empowered to pursue their goals and have it all—professionally and personally. By providing them with the tools, resources, and confidence they need to succeed, we can help them break into the industry and thrive in their careers.


How can we close the gap created by ageism, especially among women, in the industry?

To close the gap created by ageism, especially among women in the industry, we must prioritize creating a culture of inclusivity and empowerment. It's essential that every employee, regardless of age or gender, feels valued, heard, and appreciated, and is supported by a culture where everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute and succeed.

As women, we often face additional challenges, including the fear of not being taken seriously compared to our male counterparts. To address this, we must actively support and uplift each other, creating a strong network of support within our organization. 

Working together, we can break down barriers and create a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Closing the gap requires a concerted effort across the organization, but by prioritizing inclusivity and empowerment – carving out intentional spaces for connections, such as skip level meetings – we can make meaningful progress. And with women leading our organization, over 50% of our senior leadership, there is no shortage of opportunity for meaningful female connection at Phaedon.


How does your experience as a woman in marketing inform your work?

As a woman in the marketing industry, my experience has deeply informed the way I approach both my work and how I lead. I believe that being a woman in this field has given me a unique perspective, allowing me to understand and connect with diverse audiences in a more empathetic and nuanced way. 

In my journey, I've faced and overcome challenges that have shaped my leadership style and decision-making process. I strive to create a workplace that is inclusive, diverse, and empowering for all team members, regardless of gender, age, or background.


Gen Z is a generation of digital pioneers and has shifted the framework of many industries. How have this new generation of young women impacted the advertising industry and where do you anticipate they will improve the workplace going forward?

Gen Z women have revolutionized the advertising industry with their strong emphasis on authenticity, diversity, and purpose-driven marketing, with a demand for genuine connection and transparency. They prioritize diversity and inclusion, prompting advertisers to create more representative and inclusive work. I anticipate that Gen Z women will continue to drive positive change in the workplace and its culture, in support of work-life balance, pushing for policies that support flexibility and well-being.

Gen Z women are a powerful force in the advertising industry and the workplace as a whole. Their values, behaviors, and preferences are reshaping how we approach marketing and communication strategies. At Phaedon, we uplift strong creative ideas with Ph.Z, our predominately women Gen Z cohort of sharp, culturally-minded communicators to help our clients build emotional loyalty with this powerful purchasing generation. I'm excited to see how they will continue to be a driving force for change and revolutionize the future of work.