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35/39 Soi Ladprao 18 Jomphol Jatujak
Bangkok 10900
Phone: (+66) 2114 7734

Basic Info

Founded in: 2009

Employees: 95

Creative Work: 5

Founded in: 2009

Employees: 95

Creative Work: 5

Yell Bangkok

35/39 Soi Ladprao 18 Jomphol Jatujak
Bangkok 10900
Phone: (+66) 2114 7734

AI-Deate is broadening the creative canvas through the power of innovation

Yell Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand
See Profile

Tryn Ninlakorn
Founder & CEO Kohlife

Tryn Ninlakorn, CEO of Kohlife, a Yell Group technology company, delineates the agency's approach to incorporating their proprietary AI tool into daily operations and chats about the future of the creative landscape.


Does your agency encourage or deter the use of AI in your work? If applicable, how does your team integrate these tools into the creative process?

At our agency, we strongly encourage the use of AI in our work. We view AI as a powerful tool that can enhance our creative process, streamline workflows, and enable us to produce high-quality outputs more efficiently.

We've taken this a step further by developing our own AI tool, AI-Deate, which is custom-built to suit our specific professional needs. It integrates seamlessly into our creative workflow, providing us with an efficient and intelligent means to generate and iterate on a large volume of visual concepts.

The AI-Deate platform acts as a hub for collaboration within our team. It allows us to effectively organize, categorize, and share the AI-generated output, facilitating smooth communication and efficient workflow management. 

We've also equipped AI-Deate with robust dataset management features. Recognizing the vital role of data in training AI models, our tool enables us to curate, annotate, and manage diverse datasets, enhancing the quality and relevance of our AI outputs.

In summary, we don't just encourage the use of AI; we actively incorporate it into our daily operations. By developing AI-Deate, we've empowered our team to leverage the power of AI, driving innovation, collaboration, and high-quality creative outputs.


How does the accessibility of these tools affect the way it is used?

In constructing our proprietary AI tool, AI-Deate, we implemented a holistic, team-driven approach. We held workshops with all teams across our agency to brainstorm the tangible benefits AI could bring to our creative workflows. This collaborative effort meant that AI-Deate was built with the insights and inputs of everyone on our team.

In essence, the accessibility of our AI tool has catalyzed an atmosphere of collective learning and innovation. The constant evolution of AI-Deate is testament to our commitment to harnessing AI's full potential, with everyone playing a role in shaping its trajectory. This team-wide engagement has undoubtedly amplified our creative capabilities and boosted our operational efficiency.


As AI advances, how is the role of the creative redefined? In what ways do you see the landscape of creation changing/shifting in response to AI? 

As AI continues to evolve, the role of creatives isn't being redefined as much as it is being enriched and expanded. Creatives are becoming AI-fluent, leveraging these tools to accelerate and enhance their creative processes.

One significant shift is that AI is freeing creatives from repetitive, time-consuming tasks, allowing them more mental space for strategic thinking and conceptual exploration. Simultaneously, AI is broadening the creative canvas. With capabilities like real-time image generation and text-to-image transformations, creatives can quickly turn their ideas into visuals, pushing the boundaries of design and artistry.

Additionally, these AI-generated visuals facilitate better communication within teams and with clients. Ideas can be visualized instantly, fostering more productive discussions, clearer feedback, and better alignment with the client's vision. This not only improves efficiency but also drives more innovative outcomes.

While AI brings extraordinary possibilities, it doesn't diminish the vital role of human creativity. AI needs human input, guidance, and control – it requires the touch of aesthetics, cultural understanding, and empathy that humans uniquely bring to the table.

So, in response to AI, the creative landscape is becoming more dynamic and collaborative. It is transforming into a symbiotic relationship between humans and machines, with each pushing the other towards new heights of creativity and innovation. This interplay is carving an exciting path for the future of the creative industry.


If AI furthers its capability to create and think, what is a responsible way to use these new technologies? 

Transparency: AI tools and processes should be transparent. Users should have a clear understanding of how the AI works, its capabilities, and its limitations. This not only builds trust, but also enables users to make informed decisions on how to use the AI effectively.

Inclusivity: The data used to train AI models should be diverse and inclusive, ensuring that the output doesn't perpetuate harmful stereotypes or biases. Moreover, access to AI technologies should be democratized, fostering equal opportunities for all.

Privacy and Data Security: Users' data should be protected, and AI tools should comply with privacy laws and standards.

Human Supervision: Despite AI's increasing capabilities, human judgment remains critical. AI should serve as a tool that assists and enhances human creativity, not a substitute for human decision-making.


AI-Deate is open to try here!