Contact Information

6 bis rue Richard Lenoir
Paris 75011
Phone: +33 (0)1 85 09 08 95

Antoine David

Antoine David

Founder & CEO

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Mobile, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Shopper Marketing/Point of Sale/Sales promotion, Branded Content/Entertainment, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Strategy and Planning, Industrial, Technology, Institutional/Public Interest/Nonprofit, Entertainment, Beauty, Fashion, Luxury Goods, Travel and Tourism, Consumer, Multicultural

Founded in: 2006

Parent Company:

Employees: 65

Awards: 18

Creative Work: 157

Clients: 24

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Mobile, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Shopper Marketing/Point of Sale/Sales promotion, Branded Content/Entertainment, Events/Sponsoring, Branding/Naming/Product Development, Packaging/Design, Visual/Sound Identity, Strategy and Planning, Industrial, Technology, Institutional/Public Interest/Nonprofit, Entertainment, Beauty, Fashion, Luxury Goods, Travel and Tourism, Consumer, Multicultural

Founded in: 2006

Parent Company:

Employees: 65

Awards: 18

Creative Work: 157

Clients: 24


6 bis rue Richard Lenoir
Paris 75011
Phone: +33 (0)1 85 09 08 95
Antoine David

Antoine David

Founder & CEO

Avec Rosbeef!, Babybio transmet le plaisir de bien manger.


Depuis 1 an, Rosbeef! accompagne Babybio, le leader de la babyfood bio en France (nouvelle plateforme de communication, série de podcast “Baby Bien”, supports com et réseaux sociaux...) Après quelques mois de préparation… “tadaaa !” : voici la nouvelle campagne de marque. Un film qui met en lumière la notion de transmission et une nouvelle signature : “cultivons le goût du plaisir”.