Contact Information

Havas Village London, 3 Pancras Square
London N1C 4AG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 20 3793 3800

Tracey Barber

Tracey Barber

Global Chief Transformation & Growth Officer, Havas Creative Network

Phone: 07950 181 189

Xavier Rees

Xavier Rees

Havas UK Chief Executive Officer, Havas Creative Network
Vicki Maguire

Vicki Maguire

Chief Creative Officer
Mark Sinnock

Mark Sinnock

Global Chief Strategy Officer, Havas Creative Network
James Fox

James Fox

Chief Client Officer
Britt Iversen

Britt Iversen

Executive Strategy Director

Basic Info

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Public Relations, Design, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 1991


Employees: 137

Awards: 103

Creative Work: 127

Clients: 21

Core Competencies: Full Service, Digital, Social Media, Marketing/Creative Services, Direct/Tele/Database Marketing/CRM, Public Relations, Design, Strategy and Planning

Founded in: 1991


Employees: 137

Awards: 103

Creative Work: 127

Clients: 21

Havas London

Havas Village London, 3 Pancras Square
London N1C 4AG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 20 3793 3800
Tracey Barber

Tracey Barber

Global Chief Transformation & Growth Officer, Havas Creative Network

Phone: 07950 181 189

Xavier Rees

Xavier Rees

Havas UK Chief Executive Officer, Havas Creative Network
Vicki Maguire

Vicki Maguire

Chief Creative Officer
Mark Sinnock

Mark Sinnock

Global Chief Strategy Officer, Havas Creative Network
James Fox

James Fox

Chief Client Officer
Britt Iversen

Britt Iversen

Executive Strategy Director

Prose On Pixels makes further C Suite hire: Global CTO joins content at scale network


Prose on Pixels, Havas’ newly launched global content at scale network, has appointed industry leader Gregory Roekens as Global Chief Technology Officer.

In the new role, he will leverage technology to support the business in its new Audience First model; elevating the impact content delivers to brands, businesses, and their audiences through spearheading the integration of new cutting-edge production techniques, such as merging photorealistic 3D with the rapidly evolving Generative AI revolution, whilst exploring novel and sustainable content automation capabilities and pushing the boundaries of creative innovation.

Compromising of over 550 talented individuals, across 13 different locations, Prose on Pixels elevates the impact content delivers to brands, businesses, and audiences.

Roekens has spent the past two decades seamlessly integrating technology and innovative elements into the core of their business operations. Outside of the agency landscape, Roekens co-founded BBC Maestro, a streaming learning platform featuring esteemed tutors such as Edgar Wright, Mark Ronson and Carole Anne Duffy. Roekens has also previously held roles at visual effects studio The Moving Picture Company and IBM.

Paul Ward, Global President of Prose on Pixels, says, ‘Gregory is full of ideas, very fluent technically and brings a strong commercial mindset. When I announced his hire, I was inundated with notes from colleagues that he had worked with previously – all speaking warmly, not only of his abilities, but also of his approach. He is a real team player who inspires others and doesn’t carry a big ego’.

Roekens adds, ‘This is an extraordinary opportunity to merge technology and creativity in unprecedented ways. The advancements in AI and technology are mind-boggling, and I can't wait to leverage them alongside Havas amazing pool of talents to push the boundaries of innovation in advertising and content production to new heights’. 

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