Contact Information

145 -149, Rue Anatole France France
Levallois-Perret 92300
Phone: +33 1 53 23 30 70

Delphine Mazeau

Delphine Mazeau

Basic Info

Founded in: 1972


Employees: 300

Awards: 758

Creative Work: 100

Clients: 48

Founded in: 1972


Employees: 300

Awards: 758

Creative Work: 100

Clients: 48

Ogilvy Paris

145 -149, Rue Anatole France France
Levallois-Perret 92300
Phone: +33 1 53 23 30 70
Delphine Mazeau

Delphine Mazeau

We’re Dreaming of a Fit Christmas

Everyone knows that Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly, but is that what you’d wish for yourself? To combat over-indulgence this holiday season, French insurer Allianz – a great supporter of health and fitness – and its agency Ogilvy have created RUNMIX: a 30-minute exercise soundtrack consisting purely of Christmas songs. Remixed by the musician Møme at the perfect tempo for running, squats and similar activities, the selection of tracks can be downloaded from all the most popular music platforms. Why 30 minutes? Because 30 minutes of physical activity a day can reduce the risk of heart problems by 30 per cent. So try to make sure that, this Christmas, it’s not just Rudolph and his friends who are doing all the running.