Advertiser Cerveza Victoria
Brand Cerveza Victoria
PostedJune 2022
Story Ogilvy México & Cerveza Victoria dazzle again with their new campaign “The unseen film”, a piece that seeks to recognize and give visibility to indigenous mexican creativity and talent.
This iconic piece was born to highlight a series of 5 documentaries created by the great filmmaker Martha Colmenares, an indigenous woman from the Sierra de Oaxaca, who in 1980 had a camera in her hands and assumed the mission of registring the costums and traditions of her community, and surrounding towns, becoming one of the pioneers of indigenous cinema.

This professional campaign titled 'The unseen film' was published in Mexico in March, 2022. It was created for the brand: Cerveza Victoria, by ad agency: Ogilvy. This Film medium campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 2 months ago by Chief Communications Officer: Marina Piacentini of Ogilvy.
Media Type Web Film

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